In Dropshipping where I see people struggling the most is with their marketing. Especially with Facebook ads. There are just so many moving parts that it is almost impossible to learn on your own.

Thats why I started my agency. So me and my team can manage and run the  adverts for you. The hardest part of dropshipping will be taken care by professionals. 

Where I see people struggle the most on in dropshipping is marketing. Especially with Facebook ads. There are just so many moving parts that it is almost impossible to learn on your own.

Thats why I started my agency. So me and my team can manage and run the adverts for you. The hardest part of dropshipping is taken care by professionals.

Click Here To Get Access To My Dropshipping Webinar and start seeing results now

What You Will Get From Joining The Agency

Me and my team will implement my multi-6 figure strategy on your store that has produced winning product after winning product 

In my Agency You Will Get

  • My website course setup which goes over everything you need to know about setting up your store and how I exactly find winning products time and time again
  • ​Access to me and my ad buyers 24/7 so if you have any questions you can ask. We work around the clock!
  • ​My video editors details. He has made me personally video ads that have gone on to make 6 figures and  have reached over 2 million people on Facebook and Instagram
  • ​You will receive a model store so you know exactly how to design your own website
  • ​Me and my team will review products and your website for you. We never let a client run ads unless we believe they are ready to do so. If your site  or products you find don't match the criteria we have then we will tell you, and more importantly we will explain to you why
  • ​We will run ads for you on multiple channels, not just facebook but instagram influencer ads as well. 

Book A Call Here


What You Will Get From Joining The Agency

Me and my team will implement my multi-6 figure strategy on your store that has produced winning product after winning product

In my Agency You Will Get

  • My website course setup which goes over everything you need to know about setting up your store and how I exactly find winning products time and time again
  • ​​Access to me and my ad buyers 24/7 so if you have any questions you can ask. We work around the clock!
  • ​My video editors details. He has made me personally video ads that have gone on to make 6 figures and have reached over 2 million people on Facebook and Instagram
  • ​You will receive a model store so you know exactly how to design your own website
  • ​Me and my team will review products and your website for you. We never let a client run ads unless we believe they are ready to do so. If your site or products you find don't match the criteria we have then we will tell you, and more importantly we will explain to you why
  • ​​We will run ads for you on multiple channels, not just facebook but instagram influencer ads as well.  

How I Started

When I first started dropshipping for the longest time I was making loss after loss.

In my first 3 months I was down -£3000. Testing silly products and pointless ads. I had no idea what I was doing.

For a 17 year old £3000 was a lot of money so you can imagine how I was feeling at the time. 

What Changed?

After months and months of testing and failing I finally broke through and found my first winning product.

After that I never looked back and kept pushing and scaling my stores.

Learning From My Mistakes

The number one advice I would give anyone starting dropshipping is to either hire a mentor/ coach or outsource the work you are not good at such as marketing.  

They will save you so much time and money in the long run.

They will cut out all the time spent of trying to figure it out and help you free up time so you can hit your goals a lot faster.  

Click Here To Get Access To My Dropshipping Course

How I Started

You will now explore more about me

When I first started dropshipping for the longest time I was making loss after loss.

In my first 3 months I was down -£3000. Testing dumb products and pointless ads. I had no idea what I was doing.

For a 17 year old kid £3000 was a lot of money so you can imagine how I was feeling at the time. 

What Changed?

After months and months of testing and failing I finally broke through and found my first winning product.

After that I never looked back and kept pushing and scaling my stores.

Learn From My Mistakes

The number one advice I would give anyone starting dropshipping is to either hire a mentor/ coach or outsource the work you are not good at such as marketing.

They will save you so much time and money in the long run.

They will cut out all the BS and help you to hit your goals a lot faster.  

Clients + Students results

From both Facebook ads and Instagram Influencer ads

Clients + Students results

From both Facebook ads and Instagram Influencer ads

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